Our story starts with a desire to help.  

The basic element that makes us human is the desire to help each other.   First, we help each other with the food, shelter and safety. Second, we help each other develop our lives and raise our families. In simpler times, this help served us well.

Now, we have a very complex society.  Many difficult issues cause people to resort to drugs, both legal and illegal.  The scourge of drug abuse has affected us all.

The Foundation for Drug Interdiction supports the prevention of drug abuse and  those who are struggling with drug abuse.  Monetary support for the Sherriff’s Department and Mental Health services are among the top priorities.

No one wants to be a drug addict.  Everyone wants to help.

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History of Donations

Walton County Sheriff’s Office: Drug Sniffing Dog-  Deputy Nero Sheriff’s Website Deputy Nero was involved and/or responsible for numerous arrests for drug trafficking.
Walton County Sheriff’s Office: Drug Sniffing Dog- Deputy Remington Sheriff’s Website Deputy Remington is in training and we wish him well in his career of Drug Interdiction.
Walton County Sheriff’s Office: Purchase of Tasers for Deputies to use in the field
Sheriff’s Website
Multiple confrontations with Deputies and suspects were de-escalated due to the presence of a Taser.
Aaron Sanchez Foundation: Sponsor a student at Chef Sanchez’s Culinary Institute
Foundation's Website
Although not technically a Drug Interdiction activity, we agreed that Chef Sanchez’s school is a worthy cause.